Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Re-Unions - Batch 86' Batang Pio del Pilar


Year - 1986, I was just an ordinary student attending an extra ordinary class made-up of the best Grade 6 students of Pio del Pilar Elementary School I. We've had our share of sacrifices, by having our classes in the covered court of St. John Bosco Parish - rain or shine, people power or revolution, we are there (1986 is an important year in the history of the Philippines). Our old wooden school (Pio Del Pilar Elementary School I) was torn down and has to undergo construction. I remember, few weeks before the construction, I was helping my teacher (Mr. Taburnal) in making a walkway in the middle of our school garden... what a timing!

There are times that it's hard to understand the lectures, the sound of the jeepneys and the noise made by other classes - blackboards are used as divisions of makeshift classrooms, can drown the tired and weary voice of our devoted teachers.

At that time, I was afraid and don't want to graduate (it's a secret), for I am unsure if I can continue my studies, but with God's grace and hard-work by my parents - what happened next is a story that I will tell later – by the way I am an Industrial Engineer and taking my MBA.

Year – 2012, one can really never tell what’s beyond the bend… old ties are being re-united, long lost friends are found and best of all - making confusing meet-up schedules and plans – adding more zest and excitement. I love Re-Unions, I love listening to stories of miss-adventures and "first loves" - it also makes me remember the stupid and crazy things that I made or in connivance with buddies. My youth is filled with stories worth telling - how I wish I was young again... no regrets, it's just a wish anyways.

By the way - I am at the Top Row, 4th from the Left.

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